Using Netbox as a RoyalTS backend

In: Automation

For those of us using a terminal manager and Netbox, we often find ourselves duplicating work; add the device to Netbox, then add the device to our terminal manager. The situation gets a little more complicated when other teams add devices autonomously. In this post, I present a simple solution I've developed for Netbox users to import their device data straight into RoyalTS without having to manually add devices.

This would make a great Netbox plugin with a dashboard to customize the layout of the export and change the way the devices are created in Royal.

RoyalTS provides dynamic-folder as an option to call a script that returns JSON describing a list of devices, credentials, folders, etc. We can use this feature along with the Netbox API to pull our interesting devices into RoyalTS

To create a dynamic-folder in RoyalTS, right-click connections, click 'Add' and select "dynamic folder." In the new pop-up window, select 'Dynamic Folder Script' and paste the script found above. Adjust the script with your Netbox URL and token. You may also adjust some filters and device_roles to match your environment.

Warning: If you do not have a cert on your Netbox, you will need to add the following to your code:

import urllib3
nb.http_session.verify = False

Once created, right-click the new folder and select 'reload.'

I recommend you paste the script into a text editor and run it locally first. Add filters where needed, but make sure you only have a single print statement. RoyalTS reads the JSON from stdout.

For purposes of this demo, I have created several new sites – Site A, Site B, etc. Each site has at least one switch.

Old workflow:

The standard device creation workflow

New workflow:

The new device creation workflow

Now you and your teammates can have a 'single-source-of-truth' backed terminal manager!

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